The European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON) is a Graduate School consisting of institutes and departments of seven universities in Belgium (UC Louvain and University of Hasselt), Germany (RWTH Aachen University and Universität Köln), France (Université de Lille), Luxembourg (Université de Luxembourg) and the Netherlands (Maastricht University). EURON is coordinated by Mental Health and Neuroscience Research Institute (MHeNs) from Maastricht University. By combining the expertise of our partners, EURON forms a multidisciplinary and complementary network with a perfect background to educate and train PhD students in the field of basic and translational neuroscience. EURON acts via the Executive Board consisting of the Director, the Coordinator and representatives (Local Coordinators) of each partner university.


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    EURON offers a training programme for PhD candidates and other young researchers, consisting of interactive courses, workshops and an annual symposium. The course topics range from neuroanatomy, molecular neurobiology and electrophysiology to animal and human behaviour and imaging. On top of these, advanced workshops offer a more in-depth study of specific topics. Our annual EURON PhD-Days is the ultimate international platform for students to present their work and forms an excellent networking opportunity. In addition, we have incentives to encourage exchange of PhD students between EURON research groups, and facilitate the organization of joint PhD doctorates. All activities of EURON are also aimed at enhancing the networking and transferable skills of our PhD students. Successful completion of the programme is awarded with the EURON Certificate of Excellence.
    This broad training by a multidisciplinary staff in an international context will equip a new generation of neuroscientists with a unique skills set in contemporary science, and prepares them to take up leading positions to tackle challenges in our global society.

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